Christmas is one of the most awaited times of the year, the streets are filled with lights and there is a magical atmosphere in the air, filled with joy. However, this time risks having an excessively negative impact on the environment, between waste, consumption and trash that multiplies during the holidays. But there is a way to enjoy Christmas, without burdening the environment. Here are some simple tips to follow for a sustainable and eco-friendly Christmas.

1) Let’s start with THE TREE: the real star of the holidays, the one whose decorations start the festivities. Choosing a real tree is often not to be considered a real sustainable choice, so better an artificial Christmas tree, equally beautiful, reusable until its total wear and tear. In case you do not want to give up the pleasure of a live tree, then prefer local tree species (to avoid traveling long distances).

2) THE LIGHTS: an element that gives that touch of magic, but often the subject of excessive energy consumption. But it is not necessary to do without lights, as there is a way to brighten our environment in a more sustainable way. How? By using lights equipped with a photovoltaic panel or LED lights. 

3) FOOD: You know during the holidays we get together at large tables to consume delicacies typical of the Christmas season, cooked with care and love. Food is an important element of the holidays, yet we tend to overdo it. That is why there are remedies to contain waste and be more sustainable and respectful of the environment and animals. For example, buy the right amounts of food without overdoing it, or in case of waste, do not throw food in the garbage, but reuse leftovers in anti-waste recipes. Prefer biological food and meats, seasonal fruits and vegetables, and for those who want to experiment in favor of greater sustainability, delicious vegetarian or vegan recipes can be cooked.

4) GIFTS: a key point, you cannot deny it. What to buy? When? We always get down to the last minute and the stress is advancing.  But don’t panic. A good place to start might be to go the sustainable way, and it’s simpler than it may seem. Gifting an experience rather than something material, or if you opt for a gift to wrap and put under the tree might be interesting to choose products that are natural, sustainable, plastic-free and zero-waste.


At this point, we can’t not recommend combining the two together. During the year we are always hurrying, never taking care of ourselves, and very often we tend to overlook ourselves. The Christmas vacations are the best time to redeem ourselves and allow a little healthy selfishness moment. Skincare can be a true relaxing ritual where you can spend time alone or with someone important. Follow step by step your routine, enjoy it and take your time. Let some music play along with you, some fragrance diffusers for some aromatherapy, and let yourself go toward a new discovery of you. Our face cream accompanies you during this ritual with all its softness and smoothness. A perfect gift for yourself or a loved one, or why not? For both. The best way to be sustainable given our organic, plastic free packaging. Plus, the cream is perfectly suited for all skin types and contains only and exclusively 100% natural, sustainably grown ingredients. The perfect gift to put under your tree.

Share the pleasure of taking care of yourself or someone you love, give a sustainable gift that is ideal for you and the environment. Because living a magical and sustainable Christmas is easier than you think.