Leading a frenetic life, poor rest and stress at work can have a negative impact not only on the health of our mind, but also on the body and the skin, above all. The most common signs are skin rashes, acne tendency, and dull complexion. In addition, a particularly prolonged period of stress can aggravate the pre-existing skin condition. How to remedy this troublesome condition? We will answer this question in this article. So, if you too are looking for a remedy, read on.

Mind and body are closely connected, we know. Yet we try to hide our state of mind without thinking that our body already speaks for us. The skin is one of the largest organs in our body, it can extend up to 2 m square and weigh up to 10 kg. Crazy, isn’t it?

The skin is among the first organs to reflect psychological states related to emotional stress, which has a strong negative impact on it. The most obvious signs tend to show up all over the body, especially in the facial area, which is the most exposed area.

But how can stress affect the skin? This is possible because the brain, as well as organs and tissues are connected by a network of nerve endings, which are interconnected. Stress also stimulates the production of cortisol, a hormone that causes generalized inflammation when in excess and this can result in the appearance of irritation, erythema and dermatitis.

Clearly each body reacts in its own way, but what are the most obvious signs that stress shows on our skin?

  • Dull complexion: muscle tension leads blood vessels to constrict, compromising microcirculation and not getting optimal levels of oxygen to the skin, which is why the skin is less elastic, prone to flaking and redness;
  • Increased sebum production, especially in the “T-zone” and increased tendency to acne;
  • Lowered immune defenses with an increased tendency for the appearance of herpes;
  • Increased wrinkles on the face: due to a lower collagen production and slower cell turnover.
  • Insomnia: breaking the normal sleep cycle and not getting adequate rest also compromises the health of the skin. 

Therefore, what are the remedies?

  • Integrating a gentle beauty routine with natural ingredients is very important to restore the skin’s well-being. The daily ritual dedicated to taking care of one’s skin can have two important benefits: it helps to offset stress, with a positive impact on the mind, and in addition to maintaining the health of the skin.
  • Also, doing breathing exercises and exercising daily helps improve microcirculation resulting in an improved skin tone that will appear rosier and brighter. 

Taking care of oneself is the act of love that each of us can do for ourselves.